Indiana Rye + Tennessee Bourbon + Kentucky Distillery + Barbados Rum Casks = 1 Nifty Whiskey

Photo courtesy Bardstown Bourbon Company

I went to the opening of the Bardstown Bourbon Co’s visitor center a few years ago. It was wild — a beautiful, sleek looking, modern facility rising up in what seemed like the middle of nowhere (actually the middle of a cornfield in Bardstown). It was the physical manifestation of the bourbon boom that’s still going strong today. And it’s not just a big theme park, either. They make good whiskey, too.

They do a lot of things at Bardstown, from contract distilling to blending sourced whiskey to bottling their own stuff. And to be honest, I haven’t kept up with what they’ve been up to as much as I’d like. But hey, finish some whiskey in Foursquare rum casks and I’m all in. This one did not disappoint, which is why it’s my Whisk(e)y Of The Week over at Forbes. Have a look! Link is right -> HERE <-.