Check Me Out On The Premiere Of The Spirits Network's "Cellar Sessions"

From left: Elayne Duff, yours truly, Kurt Maitland, during a break in the taping.

From left: Elayne Duff, yours truly, Kurt Maitland, during a break in the taping.

A few weeks ago, I got to drink tequila at the Brandy Library in downtown Manhattan with two spirits industry friends whom I’ve known for many years — Elayne Duff, the super-fabulous expert on all things boozy, from cocktails to brand ambassadors, and author/whisky expert/fun guy to hang around with at events Kurt Maitland. But this was no ordinary get-together. There was a camera crew recording our every sip (along with all our facial tics and awkward utterances) for the premiere episode of The Spirits Network’s Cellar Sessions, hosted by Elayne. This one was sponsored by Jose Cuervo, so we got to hang out, talk about our weird but extremely cool jobs, and sip the three tequilas in their Reserva De La Familia line. It was an honor and a privilege to sip and kibitz with these two terrific people, and it was also a bit of a thrill to get to drink indoors at a bar, a pleasure that’s currently unavailable in NYC thanks to that dastardly Covid-19. (For the record, we all had to have rapid result Covid tests before participating, and the crew was masked and distanced the entire taping.)

I’d babble more about how much fun we all had, but that would prevent you from watching the damn thing. So have a look and enjoy!

Don't miss the premiere episode of "Cellar Sessions" as spirits industry veteran Elayne Duff shares a drink, a laugh, and some Jose Cuervo Reserva De La Fami...