If You Like Whisky And Wearing White After Labor Day, Read On!

I had AI create a watercolor of a woman wearing white and drinking a glass of whiskey.

A publicist who hooked me up with the whisky whose review is still my most-read piece on Forbes (here’s the LINK!) asked me to do her a solid. She’s doing PR for a whisky event in Long Island City and… well, read below to find out all the details. My favorite part of the whole thing is that wearing white to said event isn’t just acceptable, it’s mandatory. As long as nobody spills anything on me, I’m good.

What are you doing on Sunday, Oct. 15 between 4-8 PM? I’m guessing nothing, right? Unless you count watching the Jets and Giants lose. But you’ll have plenty of opportunities to do that all autumn, so on the 15th, come on down to the Bordone LIC (43-10 9th St 2nd Floor, in delightful Long Island City). That’s where you’ll find the Wonders of Whisky event, featuring more than 75 whiskies from around the world — I’m talkin’ Scotland, the US, India, Japan, Australia, Israel, and more. Not the biggest whisky fan? That’s cool too! You’ll also find cognacs, rums, mezcals, tequilas, gins, champagne, and cocktails. Oh, and there’s food too — we’re not gonna let you drink for four hours without getting to lay a base for all that fine liquor. And of course there’s music provided by a live DJ for your booty-shaking pleasure.

Still not sold? Then you are a tough customer indeed. But check this out — white attire is REQUIRED to get in. And seriously, who doesn’t love wearing white after Labor Day? It’s like giving the finger to the fashion police! And it’s all for a good cause, namely 9 Million Reasons (9MR), an organization dedicated to providing essential resources and services to New Yorkers in need. ALL the proceeds from this event are going to 9MR, so you’re not only drinking some fine hooch, you’re doing a good deed as well.

Tickets run $115 for General Admission, and $190 for the VIP experience, which I’m told includes a cigar (and presumably early or exclusive access to certain whiskies). To find out more, go to www.wonderswhisky.com. And look for me if you go, I will happily take any opportunity to wear white in October, especially where whisky is involved.