Quickie Time: Benriach's New Core Range


It’s always weird to say that I haven’t written because I’ve been too busy writing, but that’s exactly what’s been going on. I haven’t even been penning exciting boozy articles which I can reprint here — it’s mostly advertorial work. But hey, as long as the checks clear, I’m not complaining. And I may wind up linking to some of that work, with the caveat that I got paid to say nice things about the brands.

That said, it’s the thick of whisk(e)y season, where some truly terrific bottles land on my doorstep daily and my days are filled with Zoom call tastings. It’s a bit exhausting, and my liver is begging for mercy, but it’s an undeniably exciting and tasty time. So here’s a quick musing about a delicious single malt (four of them, actually) that I’ve tasted but haven’t had a chance to write about properly:

BenRiach is rejiggering its core range. Gone are the fun Latin-inspired names (Curiositas, Septendecim, etc.) and in are the four new core expressions: The Original Ten (43% ABV, $54); The Smoky Ten (46% ABV, $60); The Original Twelve (46%, $60); and The Smoky Tweive (46%, $65).

BenRiach is a Speyside malt through and through, with lots of ripe orchard fruits on the palate, so their smoky expressions aren’t Islay peat bombs. Instead, they impart gentle applewood-type smoke for more a grilled-fruit flavor. The Twelves are a little darker, rounder, and more mellow than the Tens. My favorite at the moment is the Smoky Ten, which is brighter and fruitier and to my palate makes for a really interesting contrast with the light peatiness. But to be fair, I’m digging all four. I always forget how much I like BenRiach, so I’m grateful that I got to have a one-on-one online tasting I did with global brand ambassador Stewart Buchanan to remind me.