The Whisky Flight That Costs As Much As A First Class Plane Flight
Photo by Kenneth Ho
The most expensive whisky flight in New York is both a very silly and very serious thing. Silly because forking over a couple grand for four ounces of whisky is inherently ridiculous. Serious because, if you own the bar that has it, or if your whisky brand is the one featured, or if your company made the glassware or designed the bottles or the tray on which it’s served or what have you, it affords you some serious credibility. IF — and it’s an important if — you do it right.
I went to Fine & Rare, the gorgeous upscale whisky mecca which is offering said flight (and which happens to be my local watering hole, normally for rather cheaper booze) and tried the flight courtesy of the Dalmore, the legendary Scotch whisky distillery. And let me tell you, they did it right. Spending a couple grand on four ounces of whisky is still ridiculous, but if you’re gonna do it… this is the way to do it.
I wrote about it too, for the good folks at Alcohol Professor, and the link is right over -> HERE <-. Have a read, and go to Fine & Rare and have a drink, even if it’s an $18.50 whisky and not a $1,850 flight.