27 Year Old Bowmore + 30 Year Old Bowmore = A Lot Of $$$ (And Two Delicious Whiskies)

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Ironically enough, when I don’t post on my website a whole lot, it’s because I’m too busy actually, you know, working. Since I last posted here I’ve hosted a bourbon tasting; written about everything from barrel-aged coffee to oyster knives; and drunk a whole bunch of booze for a spirits competition I’m judging. Not all of that translates into content for this here website, but rest assured I’m keeping out of trouble.

ANYWAY… I wrote this a while ago for the good folks at Alcohol Professor, about one of my favorite Scotch whisky brands, and it’s finally seeing daylight today. In it I take on the task of trying to choose between a really expensive 27-year-old and an also-really-expensive 30-year-old, which is a little like trying to choose between pizza with pepperoni or pizza with sausage. To some, the choice may be obvious, but let’s face it, they’re both delicious.

So. Read my writeup. Please! And I promise I’ll be back before long with lots more exciting news and reviews, mostly about booze.