A Little Extra Alcohol Makes All The Difference

Photo courtesy of Keeper’s Heart

I’d been hearing rumblings for a couple of years about a big state-of-the-art distillery, complete with restaurant, visitor’s center, and other assorted bells and whistles, being built in Minneapolis of all places. And then I heard that the legendary Brian Nation, of Irish Distillers fame (you know, Jameson, Powers, Redbreast, Green Spot… yeah, THAT Irish Distillers) had quit that plum gig to live in Minneapolis and make whiskey for an unknown startup. And then I heard he’d been joined by the also-legendary David Perkins, who founded the already-legendary High West in Utah (an even more unlikely spot for a distillery than Minneapolis) and then left in order to, I hope, count the money he’d been paid when he sold the brand.

How the hell did this happen? Well, I don’t really answer the “how” in my latest for Forbes (read it by clicking right… over… -> HERE <-), unless you’re asking “how’s it taste?” I do, however, answer the what, where, when, and even the why. So what are you waiting for? Get on over and read it! Oh, and to understand the headline, you have to read the article, if you need any added incentive….