Beer & Wine Are Just Fine
When I drink wine, I don’t f*** around. (Photo by me)
You won’t find much writing about beer or wine on this site, because, well, I don’t drink them very much. And I don’t drink them because, given the choice between a glass of even the finest wine or beer and a slug of whiskey, or an ice-cold martini, or a tropical rum-based cocktail, or a fancy-shmancy cognac, I will almost invariably choose the hard likker. But just because I rarely drink beer (aka undistilled whiskey) or wine (undistilled brandy) doesn’t mean I NEVER drink them. And just because they don’t float my boat the way distilled spirits do doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the good stuff. So in the latest What’s Tony Drinking? (brought to you as always by the fine humans at Alcohol Professor) you’ll find writeups of both, as well as a shochu shoutout and the usual cocktail/whiskey shenanigans. To read it, just click the link right over -> HERE <-. And stay tuned for my next few Alc Prof articles, coming soon!