(Belated) Happy Whiskey Sour Day, Or Lessons In Bad Self-Promotion
Evan Williams 1783 Small Batch bourbon and all the fixin’s for a classic whiskey sour. (Photo courtesy Evan Williams)
My distaste for industry-decreed “days” where it is mandated that you drink a certain spirit or cocktail has been well-documented on these pages and elsewhere. Don’t tell me what to drink! Or as Tim Walz says, “Mind your own damn business!” But when Vinepair and Evan Williams came calling a few months ago with a request for some sponsored content for the big day, specifically about how the best whiskey sours are made with Evan Williams’ 1783 Small Batch Bourbon, well, I wasn’t about to say no. I love a good whiskey sour — it was my late mother’s go-to drink whenever we went out for Chinese food, which was often, so it has a little extra resonance for me. Evan Williams is a nifty and affordable bourbon, and an excellent mixer. And a whiskey sour, cold and tart and refreshing and boozy, is a perfect late-summer libation. Which, I suppose, is why the powers that be made August 25th Whiskey Sour Day.
Also, I try not to turn down offers of, you know, money to write stuff.
In early June, I sent off the copy, the good folks at Vinepair OK’d it… and then I totally forgot about it. And August 25th came and went. And this morning — August 26th — it hit me. Wasn’t yesterday Whiskey Sour Day? And didn’t I write something for Vinepair about it? And shouldn’t I have mentioned that fact to anyone in advance of the actual day? And am I terrible at self-promotion or what?
But you know something? I think August 26th is an even better day, if you’re a “day”-hating curmudgeon like myself, to drink a whiskey sour. With Evan Williams Small Batch, even. And the article, of course, is still worth a read at this late date. It’s got a thumbnail history of the cocktail itself, a bit of background about Evan Williams, both the man and the brand, and of course a recipe for a damn good whiskey sour should the mood strike you. Which it should.
Link is -> HERE <-! And belated wishes for a Happy Whiskey Sour Day to you and yours!