Bourbon + Me


I’ve got my first byline in Bourbon+ magazine this month, which is a pretty big deal in Kentucky (the last time I visited, there was a copy in my hotel room!) and should be a bigger deal everywhere else (subscribe now, people, it’s a great mag!). The overwhelming majority of my work is published online exclusively, so whenever I turn up in print it’s pretty exciting, like a badge of honor or something. The irony is that far fewer read print, and of course in this case I can’t link to the article because it’s not available online. But I can tell you it was a lot of fun to write, and editor-in-chief Fred Minnick (known both for his booze expertise and for the fabulous ascots he’s rarely seen without) seems to like it. With any luck I’ll be not-linking to future articles in Bourbon+, giving you even more incentive to subscribe.