Drink Some Tequila, Read My "Repurposed Content"

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In the magazine biz, it’s called “repurposed content.” In the freelance writer biz, it’s called “getting paid once, having your work used more than once.” Part of the deal with most publications is that you get paid a flat fee for your work, and then they own it in perpetuity. Which means they can re-run your Arbor Day article every year for decades, or they can chop up bits of your article and use it in other articles, or… you get the idea. And you don’t see a penny. It kinda sucks.

On the other hand, you get to look like you’re working when you haven’t done a damn thing. So there’s that.

Anyway, this is a pretty good round-up of tequilas to meet all your Cinco de Mayo needs. I honestly don’t remember which of the 20 I wrote up, but they’re all worth a read. And don’t get too excited about Tequila Cabeza — it may be excellent, but it’s no longer being made. ¡Salud!