I Like A Whisky That Makes Me Think... About Whether Or Not I Like It
I mean, DAMN. That’s a nice package. (Photo courtesy Crown Royal)
It took me almost two weeks to write my latest Whisk(e)y Of The Week column for the fine people at Forbes. Part of it was… well, you’ll find out in next week’s WOTW. But another part of it was that I took a long time, and a whole lot of tasting, to decide whether I even liked it enough to write about it. I don’t have many prerequisites for a Whisk(e)y Of The Week, but it does have to be a whisky (or whiskey) and I absolutely have to enjoy it.
With Crown Royal’s latest — a 29 year old extravaganza, its oldest-ever bottling — I enjoyed writing about the brand’s backstory and the parallel highbrow/lowbrow directions in which they’ve gone over the last decade or so. I had the tasting notes down. It’s an interesting whisky. But is it a good whisky, let alone one that’s worth the $400 they’re asking for it? As I mention in the review (which you can read -> HERE <-), I kept trying to get a handle on it through tasting, and tasting, and tasting again… until I found I was looking forward to the tastings more with each successive one. Which must mean I like it, right? I actually quite enjoyed the challenge it presented to my taste buds, in some ways even more so than something I’d fall in love with at first sip. Anyway, read all about it via the link posted above!