It's Ten To One Somewhere: My Review Of Two Tasty Pan-Caribbean Rums

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I first tried Ten To One rums at the brand’s launch party last summer, with founder Marc Farrell and a bunch of fellow booze scribes. I don’t remember too much about the night, because I enjoyed by the white and dark expressions a little too much, and got rip-roarin’ drunk. I Marc was a most amiable drinking companion, and he was pouring them as fast as I could drink them. I’ve seen him and talked on the phone with him a few times since then, and give him well-deserved compliments on his rums, but somehow I never managed to write about them until now. So here we are! I’ve also written them up for Robb Vices — more of an advertising copy kind of deal, whereas this is a straight review — but I may post that here as well at some point. Anyway, check out my writeup at Alcohol Professor, and check out the rest of their site while you’re at it. They’ve got some great writers on board, and a fair share of terrific and informative articles.