Who’s Got Two Thumbs And His Own Column? This Guy!
This, apparently, is what a columnist looks like. (Photo by Christine Sachs)
If you’d told me, back when I was a high school student swigging Sambuca Romana straight from the bottle, that one day I’d be asked to write a column called What’s Tony Drinking? for a reputable publication, I’d have thought for sure you were fooling, Or maybe not, depending on how much Sambuca I’d already had. Either way, I am totally gobsmacked at the development. The first installment is up and running over at Alcohol Professor, and you can get the link right… over… -> HERE <-. I apologize in advance for any weeks where I drink a lot of mediocre cocktails or Diet Coke or what have you, but I’ll try to keep it interesting in general, both for your sake and mine. Last week was a humdinger booze-wise, as you shall soon read.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the Editor-in-Chief at Alcohol Professor, the swingin’ Amy Sherman, for thinking of such a wacky idea, and also Adam Levy, aka THE Alcohol Professor, for giving it the green light. I hope my liver and I do you both proud. And a big thank you to Amanda Schuster, Alc Prof’s former EIC, who first got me writing there — and who actually gave me my first column there, “Tony’s Whisky Corner” (or “Tony’s Mostly Whisky Corner,” depending on what I was writing up). The only reason that didn’t become a more regular feature was, well, me. This one’s going to be a regularly published deal, I swear!
(And yes, I know, it needs a logo or an illustration or something. Suggestions are extremely welcome.)