The Story Of Blanton's Bourbon... Which You Can't Read Here

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A dilemma I encounter all too rarely is when I write something that can’t be read for free. That used to be the way it worked, of course — if you wanted to read the latest issue of Esquire, you had to buy it, or else risk having the proprietor of the newsstand snarl, “Hey pal, this ain’t a library.” The clickbait era has been upon us for so long now that it seems downright odd for me to tell you that you can’t read a long piece I wrote, at least not without paying for it. But such is the case with this history of Blanton’s Bourbon that was published in the Spring 2021 edition of The Bourbon Review, a downright dandy mag published by the great Seth Thompson, who also hosts the annual Bourbon Classic in Louisville.

There’s plenty of free content over at their site, and I recommend you head over there toot suite (link is above). But if you want to read my article, as well as the other stuff in the print edition, you have to either subscribe here (which I highly recommend for all bourbon fans) or go to their app, where you can buy and download single issues. I’m hard at work on another piece for TBR, and since I’m accumulating way too much info for one article, you’ll likely see some exclusive content here in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!