What Makes The Perfect Manhattan? Here Are 7 Different Answers

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Back in the 2000-oughts, I started out writing a lot more about cocktails than I do now. I became (primarily) a spirits writer out of necessity — in 2010, I became a stay-at-home parent, so my ability to go out and hit the bars in search of material became a lot more limited. So I pivoted. And I have no regrets — as an introvert in good standing, I’m much more comfortable at home with a bottle (or several), a glass (ditto), and a laptop than I am hitting the bars and socializing with the folks behind the stick, lovely as many of them are.

But that’s not to say I never write about cocktails when the situation calls for it. “What makes the perfect Manhattan?” is one of the great questions of our time, and one which I have spent much time and labor on myself, I was delighted to tackle this one head-on, with the help of seven of the finest bartenders (well, six bartenders and one bar owner) it’s my pleasure to know. Have a look at my article for The Bourbon Review, and then try all seven, one by one. I’m not sure if any of them are the Platonic ideal of what a Manhattan should be, but it was really enjoyable drinking them and mulling it over.