Why VSOP Is The "Goldilocks" Cognac, And Five Brands To Try


It’s Election Week Mania around here (by “here” I mean the United States), and I’ve been so tense and nervous and generally out of sorts that I’ve literally been unable to drink. Which I suppose is a good thing — I find drinking to be a happy, pleasant activity, and I generally use alcohol to complement my good vibes rather than erase tension or blot out a bad mood. When I feel like crap, physically or emotionally, I drink less, or not at all. I guess it’s a periodic reminder that I’m not an alcoholic.

What does that have to do with cognac, you might ask? Nothing, really. It’s more to explain why I haven’t written or even consumed anything new and thrilling in the last few days, and it’s why I’m drawing on the archives today. Reviving older things I’ve written is actually a big part of why I started this site in the first place — I wanted a place to gather up everything I’ve churned out over the past decade or so, or at least a good chunk of it. Especially non-time sensitive articles like the one I’m linking to right… over… here. I wrote it back in 2017, but a really good cognac is timeless, and the five I wrote about are still around, still available, and still damn tasty.

So if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go back to having my post-election nervous breakdown, and possibly drink some cognac while I’m at it. And did I mention the link is here? Oh yes, I did. Well, it’s up there too.