Wide World Of Whisk(e)y: Cool New Drams From Denmark, Ireland, Israel, Canada & India,

Round-up articles are a boon and a bane to booze writers. They’re a plus because we can tick off a lot of “need-to-write-about-this” boxes in one fell swoop, and round-ups tend to get plenty of clicks. They suck because we have to chase down a lot of info and write a lot of copy for the same loot we’d get for writing about one bottle. In the case of this article, it made me realize just how few non-American/Scotch whiskies I’ve received in the last several months. I was tapped to succeed the brilliant Kara Newman for Liquor.com’s world whisk(e)y beat, and I figured it would be a great opportunity to finally get around to writing about all those terrific international expressions I’d been meaning to write up for ages. Only, once I’d trawled the booze closet, it turns out there weren’t as many as I’d thought. Six, to be precise. Well, there were a few more from Ireland that I still need to get around to, but since this was a world whisk(e)y piece, I limited myself to two.

Anyway, read my round-up (link is right… over… -> HERE <-) and get the lowdown on a cool half-dozen really delicious whiskies from all over the globe, but not Scotland or America! They can be grouped into two distinct camps, which are… well, you’ll just have to read the article, won’t you. I’m such a tease.