Am I A Screwball For Not Loving Skrewball?

I seem to have become the designated boozy curmudgeon at Alcohol Professor, and being the curmudgeonly type, I have no problem with that. I try, however, not to be gratuitously nasty in my reviews of spirits my editors suspect I won’t like. I give them a fair shot. I sip them under multiple conditions; I try them in cocktails; I drink them in conditions under which I’m supposed to get maximum enjoyment. And if, after all that, I’m still not sold, I try to at least insert the dagger with a smile.

Which leads me to my writeup of Skrewball, the peanut butter “whiskey” (it’s actually not a whiskey by the legal definition) that’s become a sensation since it was launched in 2018, and has netted its creators more money than I could hope to receive from writing multiple snarky reviews every day for the rest of my life. To the millions who love it, I bear no malice and try not to judge. For the rest of us… well, read the article to get an idea of what Skrewball is all about. Link is -> HERE <-.