Blast From The Past: 8 Overproof Spirits To Help Us All Deal With Trump

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I’ve written about Donald Trump twice in the context of booze. The first was on social media, where I’ve repeatedly reminded my Facebook and Twitter friends that the current resident of the Oval Office is responsible for having closed Trader Vic’s, one of the world’s great tiki bars and, until Trump bought the Plaza Hotel in the late ‘80s, a fixture of the Manhattan bar scene. And why, you may ask, did he close it? He thought it was, and I quote, “tacky.” For a man who owns multiple golden toilets, that’s quite the judgement call.

The only time I’ve written about Mr. Home Alone 2 for publication was just before he was inaugurated, and a shudder of existential dread was rippling through large segments of the population. I offered the best remedy I could think of for Inauguration Day — large portions of overproof booze, complete with faux-tweets from Trump himself, if he actually drank. (Shockingly, he manages to act that unhinged, and periodically slurs his speech at his rallies, without a drop of alcohol.)

As we enter the last month of the 2020 Presidential campaign — which many of us believe could also prove to be the last month of American democracy — we need high-proof hooch more than ever. So I humbly offer, straight from the vaults (and from HuffPost, where it originally ran), a coping mechanism in 8 bottles. God help us all.