Drinking In Chains: An Examination Of Chain Restaurant Cocktails

The attractive and not-tasty-at-all Lavender Lemonade at TGI Fridays (photo by me).

It was not, I must confess, my idea to masochistically spend the better part of a month drinking cocktails from chain restaurants. But I’m the first to admit that it was a good idea, and I had a lot of fun writing this 2,500-word opus — more fun than I had drinking the cocktails, in fact. Not that they were all bad. Out of the eight I tried, only two were downright awful. None of them were great, alas, but after years of being spoiled by top-notch fare in fancy-shmancy bars I may have set the, er, bar too high.

Eight cocktails in four national chain restaurants is a tiny sample size, so I can report with equal parts excitement and trepidation that this is the first in what is expected (by my editor, at least) to be an ongoing series. So don’t worry, Red Lobster — your time will come! In the meantime, click on the link right -> HERE <- to read my opening salvo at Alcohol Professor. (Thanks to Amy Sherman for convincing/coercing me to write it!)