My Favorite New Rums Of 2021
Just one of the nine outstanding new rums to drink right now! (Photo by me)
Too many round-up articles, also known as listicles, is like too much fresh air, especially if you’re the editor of a publication that’s looking for clicks. Readers apparently love listicles as much as editors love them. And I confess, I enjoy writing them too. It’s a nice way to show some love to several brands and bottles at the same time, no muss no fuss. And if more people read them than would read a deep dive into a single spirit, I have no problem with that. Give the people what they want.
This article was originally submitted to Robb Report as my picks for the best new rums of 2021, but the headline was changed to “9 Outstanding New Rums To Drink Right Now,” which makes people more likely to read it in 2022 and beyond. I have a wise editor, don’t I? And special thanks must be given to Matt Pietrek, aka the Cocktail Wonk (that’s the name of his blog), a man who’s forgotten more about rum than I or 99.9999% of the human population will ever know. He saw my article and immediately fact-checked it — none of my errors were wildly egregious, I don’t think, but hey, the more accurate the better. Matt also helped me score a bottle that made the list, namely the new Diamond Reserve 151 proof behemoth pictured above. He is a good man, of that there is no doubt.
Anyway, here’s THE LINK to the article over at Robb Report. Click! Read! Buy! Drink! (In that order)