New Publication, Classic Format: Writing About Booze For Forbes

The subject of my Forbes debut. Photo courtesy of Michter’s. Flowers and ice bucket sold separately.

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m now a contributor to Forbes’ online Lifestyle section, writing about booze in all its permutations. I’m kicking things off with a revival of my Whisk(e)y Of The Week feature. I came up with the idea when I was writing for the now-defunct Robb Vices back in 2015, as a way to manage, and write about, the flood of quality whiskey/whisky crossing my path. Fortunately, my editor at the time, the brilliant Kathryn Maier, liked the concept and let me run with it throughout her tenure there. I’m not 100% positive I was the first one to come up with the idea, or the name at any rate, but since I’m too lazy to do the research, and I don’t remember seeing any Whisk(e)y Of The Week-type columns before I kicked off mine, I’m going to take full credit for it.

Want to read my Forbes debut? Of course you do (I hope)! Click on the link right -> HERE <- and off you go.