Reviewing Patron Silver Tequila: Superpremium Doesn't Always Mean Overrated

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The nice thing about writing for’s Bottle Reviews section (not yet a thing as of this writing, as I believe they’re still stockpiling reviews) is that I get assigned spirits I’d normally never even consider drinking, let alone contemplating and reviewing. I’m sure I’ve had Patron Silver tequila, for instance, in the past five years at some point. But I couldn’t tell you when. And while I’ve tried and enjoyed many of their other expressions, I have so many blanco tequilas at home that I’ve rarely even thought about the basic, no-frills, baseline Patron, let alone sipped it or seriously contemplated writing anything about it.

So the assignment was, in many ways, a welcome one, even if when I first got it I thought, what the hell do I care about Patron Silver? But you know what? It’s a really good tequila. Overpriced, maybe, but really good. Is it worth the extra bucks? Well, for that information, you’ll just have to read my review, the link for which is right -> HERE <-. Salud!