This Bottom-Shelf Scotch Is Tops With Me
Image courtesy Buchanan’s
I honestly don’t know if I’d ever tried Buchanan’s DeLuxe before I was assigned to review it for’s soon-to-be-a-reality Bottle Reviews section. I’m ashamed to say I’m a single-malt snob; not that I automatically dismiss all blends, but I can only drink so much, and there are so many great whiskies out there, so why would I waste the precious liver space, you know?
But it turns out this is a classic that’s been hiding in plain sight on the bottom shelves of our local liquor stores for decades. First sip, I was blown away. Second sip, even more so. And so on. I raved about it on Twitter and no less an authority than David Wondrich seconded my opinion, AND set me straight about Buchanan’s history. Back before single malts and extra-aging were a thing, Buchanan’s 12 Year Old was a seriously fancy, top-of-the-line Scotch. Decades later, it still tastes like it.
Have a look at my review (in which I say “venerable” a few too many times, please forgive me) right here:
and then run out and grab yourself a bottle of that deliciousness, pronto. You won’t regret it.