Whisk(e)ys Of The Fortnight From Wild Turkey

Yum plus yum equals yum yum. (Photo by me)

Chalk it up to summertime laziness or an unusually hectic July or what have you, but my vaunted Whisk(e)y Of The Week extravaganza for ForbesLife is really a Whisk(e)y Of The Fortnight affair. For the last two WOTWs, that’s been fine, because I’ve actually reviewed two whiskeys in each installment and if you do the math that comes out to an average of one whiskey reviewed per week. I’m going to try to get back on the stick, writing-wise, because the whisk(e)ys are piling up and Labor Day and its annual flood of new releases isn’t far off.

In the meantime, however, I’d encourage you to click on over to Forbes and check out my review of two truly stellar new bourbons from Wild Turkey and the genius that is Eddie Russell (with a soupçon of input, no doubt, from his dad, the great Jimmy Russell). I don’t wax enthusiastic about WT often enough, and the fault is mine. I hope this makes up for it.

I was so excited about these bourbons, in fact, that I forgot to include the link to the article! -> HERE <- it is.