International Man Of Cocktails
The Memoire de Negroni, which I had at Gucci Giardino 25 in Florence. It tastes as good as it looks. (Photo by me)
It is with some sadness that I report the end of my What’s Tony Drinking? column over at Alcohol Professor. But the silver lining is that it’s getting a new format (shorter, and hopefully more frequently published, assuming I get my act together and write the damn thing more often) and a new name (Pour Tony is not, in my opinion, nearly as good as What’s Tony Drinking?, but the SEO gods want what the SEO gods want).
But I’ve got to say, What’s Tony Drinking is going out on a high note. Cocktails in Florence! At three different award-winning bars, no less! And then home to drink bourbon with NBA legend Steph Curry? Are you kiddin’ me? And of course let us not forget my old pal John Little, whose Smooth Ambler Old Scout bourbon is sourced, but you can’t deny the man knows how to source ‘em. How could you not want to read this?! Unless you’re jealous. In which case I totally understand. Link is -> HERE <-.