Regarding Oysters, Cocktails, And Georgette

Photo courtesy Georgette Mojer-Petraske

Photo courtesy Georgette Mojer-Petraske

It’s National Oyster Day, you say? Aw, shucks!

(Listen, I’m a dad, I get to make dad jokes, OK?)

To commemorate the occasion, I wrote up what’s probably the best thing to happen to my fairly sedate and uncool neighborhood in Manhattan since Covid stopped everything dead in its tracks. My friend and fellow Murray Hillbilly, Georgette Mojer-Petraske, has turned her stylish apartment into a salon, where celebrities and shnooks alike can, by appointment and for a modest fee, spend a delightful couple of hours shucking oysters, drinking cocktails, and generally having a fine old time.

To get the whole story, check out my writeup over at Alcohol Professor — the link for which is right -> HERE <-. Bye, valve! (Yep, another dad joke. I can’t help myself.)