The (Over)proof Is In The Drinking: Wray & Nephew's Rum Is A Classic

Wray & Nephew Overproof RESIZED.jpg

I don’t get to choose the bottles I review for It can be kind of liberating — I’ve panned more booxe in the last couple of months than I had in the previoius ten years or so (links coming as soon as they’re published!). But it can also be a drag. Writing about terrific booze or terrible booze can be lots of fun, but writing up mediocre booze is… challenging.

Wray & Nephew’s overproof rum presented its own challenge. It’s been around for decades and it’s a known quantity among rummies everywhere. What was I going to say that hasn’t already been said? Nothing, probably. But if you’ve never had the pleasure of sipping it, especially on a sweltering summer’s day with some ice and a slice of lime or some grapefruit soda, well, it’s something you need to try, pronto. Read all about this Jamaican national treasure by clicking the link right -> HERE <- It’s a life-affirming experience, and who can’t use more of those nowadays?